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27 May 2011

یوم تکبیر--جب بھارت کا غرورچاغی کے پہاڑوں میں دفن ہو گیا  

History. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program was established in 1972 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who founded the program while he was Minister for Fuel, Power and Natural Resources, and later became President and Prime Minister. Shortly after the loss of East Pakistan in the 1971 war with India, Bhutto initiated the program with a meeting of physicists and engineers at Multan in January 1972. India’s 1974 testing of a nuclear “device” gave Pakistan’s...

Sultan Ahmed Ali youm e takbeer 2011

Sultan Ahmed Ali Urdu speech on Youm e Takbeer 2011youm e takbirthe day when pakistan become nuclear power“Youm-e-Takbeer” – Day of Revival and Pride of the Ummah (ALLAH o AKBAR!!!)On May 28 1998, Pakistan successfully conducted nuclear tests and became the only Islamic country with nuclear capability under heavy pressure from western nations which never wanted to see an Islamic country equipped with nukes. This miracle and gift from Allah revived Muslims in entire world and became pride of Muslims from Pakistan to Arab world to Turkey.From that...

26 May 2011

جمہوریت۔۔ ایک مزاق

Jamhoreat aik mazaak Jamhuriat, Ek Mazak By Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan  جمہوریت۔۔ ایک مزاق محسن پاکستان ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان    Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan writes that the democracy in developing and third world countries is just a fraud. He argue to adopt the Presidential form of government. School Loans ConsolidationFree iPOD OnlineMichigan Personal Injury Lawyer ...

24 May 2011

Kash aap hotay_Dr Qadeer khan

Kah aap hotayby Dr abdul Qadeer Khan on abbottabad operation and usama bin ladin.what was the role of Army and airforce?Sehar honay tak.Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan writes if Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, General Zia ul Haq, Ghulam Ishaq Khan, General Mirza Aslam Baig or Abdul Waheed Karar will be there then no American was allowed to live and destroy Pakistan after event like 2nd May Operation. ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان کے کالمز، ڈاکٹر قدیر کے کالمز، ڈاکٹر...

28-may 1998_youm e takbeer

28-may 1998 youm e takbeer. Mulk k difah ko naqabile taskheer bananay ka tareekh saz din Missile shaheen one k kamyab tajarbay k baad shaheen 2 ore ghouri test keay gaey.Special report on youm e takbeerA tribute to the Greatest Hero of Pakistan- Dr. Abdul Qsdeer Khan. Founder of Nuclear Program of Pakistan. dr A Q k...

America se nafrat

America se nafratby orya maqbool janharf raaz.Sari dunya jis se nafrat karti ho, meray mulk k hukmaran us se muhabbat ka dahwa kaisay kartay hain?yehi wo sawal hai jis k jawab main meray mulk k masael ka hal posheeda ...

Youm-e-Takbeer - The Day when Pakistan Conducted 1st Nuclear Test

Youm-e-Takbeer The Day when Pakistan Conducted 1st Nuclear Test Chaghi Zone Brief History of the Indo-Pakistan Nuclear Issue. What started in 1974 when India conducted their first nuclear test at Pokhran Range in Rajhistan, ended on 28 May 1998 when Pakistan successfully carried out its first nuclear test in Chaghi, Balochistan. Here are just a run down of events:- India conducted its first nuclear test in Pokhran Range, Rajisthan in...

23 May 2011

یوم تکبیر اور بیتے لمحات ۔ ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان

یوم تکبیر اور بیتے لمحات ۔ ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان Tags: youm e takbeer ore beetay lahmaaturdu article by dr abdul qadeer khan on 28 may youm e takbeer.sehar honay takhow Pakistan became a nuclear power?urdu speech on yom e tak...

اور سقراط کا پیالہ ٹوٹ گیا 

aur suqrat ka payala toot gayayoum e takbeer special articleApis ki baat by M.MirzaYom e takbir and dr abdul qadeer k...

11 May 2011

Special and rare facebook symbols.

Besides basic facebook symbols that can be used as part of facebook, there is also special facebook symbols and cool symbols that can be useful to express complex symbol without typing it. To use, you must copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V)  these symbols in your status messages, comments, wall post, etc. Some facebook symbols may not appear (showing up as squares, or ?) if the user doesn't have all the fonts required installed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Complete list of special and rare facebook...